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Whitepaper translation services

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Whitepapers are an excellent way for a brand to bolster and increase its reputation in the wider market. They serve as a respectable piece of communication for a particular subject matter or area of expertise that your business might have. If you are a company that has or would like to reach a global market, you may want to consider our whitepaper translation services for your whitepapers. The translation of these ideas and thoughts can help to grow and expand your business into new markets across the world.

Here at The Language Factory, we specialise in expert translation of  whitepapers for a variety of business needs and sectors. Our vast range of qualified linguists are always on hand to meet your specific brief and provide a swift and seamless service to support your business. Contact today The Language Factory for more information about whitepaper translation services.

Specialist linguists

Our best-in-class linguists have the skills at their fingertips to help you create accurate and impactful marketing whitepapers by:

  • Producing engaging and accurate translations to help you reach and influence a wider audience

  • Ensuring language, grammar and punctuation is flawless

  • Suggesting local examples and references appropriate to your target market

  • Highlighting any cultural issues

Whitepaper translation (1)
Project Manager, Caroline

Market-leading Project Management

Your dedicated and experienced Project Manager will partner with you to:

  • Quickly understand the objectives and requirements of your project brief

  • Carefully match the right linguist to your project, ensuring your objectives are met

  • Brief your hand-picked mother-tongue translator, so that they can efficiently deliver accurate, authentic and impactful content

  • Harness their marketing translation expertise to expedite the project and provide a smooth, end-to-end service

Our team of expert linguists are on hand to help with whitepaper translation services

At The Language Factory, we only trust qualified translators to be part of our whitepaper translation team. This means we can give our clients the best results possible every time. Find out more about the bespoke translation services we can provide for you.

Produce engaging translations

For each whitepaper project we receive, you can be assured that each translation will be engaging for your target market. It is our main aim to ensure that our translation allows your document to reach and connect with a wider audience and expand awareness of your business.

Error free

The skill and experience of our team of linguists mean that all translated work is grammatically correct and error free at all times, protecting the reputation and authenticity of your business.

Help to appeal to your target market

Our linguists are always on hand to provide and recommend localised examples where needed in your whitepaper, as well as suggest references that can be understood and received by your target market.

Address any cultural issues

You never need to worry about cultural barriers when working with our linguists. Each translator takes care to make sure that your whitepapers conform to cultural norms, so that the content can be easily understood by your target audience.

HR translation
Gaelle Notermans-Javaloyes

Personalised whitepaper translation services

You’ll never find a more personalised service than with The Language Factory. Each client is assigned an experienced Project Manager to be on hand to help with the following:

Time taken to understand your needs

A bespoke service that caters to your individual needs as a business. No request is too niche or too much for your qualified Project Manager.

Carefully paired linguists

After taking the time to understand your needs, your Project Manager will assign you to a native-speaking translator that is best suited to your business needs. This linguist then works seamlessly to provide excellent results based on your brief and guidance.

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