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Copy editing

At The Language Factory we provide English copy editing services for non-native English speakers. 

Our professional editors do much more than fix your grammar and check your spelling. Their skill lies in taking draft English copy (prepared by non-language English experts) and improving it, often in preparation for publication, translation and/or use in market research.

More fitting words are found. Sentences are made cleaner. Points are made clearer. Questions are made more precise. Consistency is maintained throughout, and the overall result is a pithy and effective communication.    

Need High Quality Editing Services?

Call +44 (0)1727 862722, email us or complete our contact form. 

Market research copy editing

The perfect service for market research clients whose source survey is written in English, though they are more comfortable writing in a language other than English. Projects are assigned to a translator experienced in producing high-quality survey translations in your business field. Our service includes:  

  • A thorough review of spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • Questions phrased in appropriate English market research language
  • Removal of any ambiguity in question text or response choice

Application of their expertise ensures every question is crafted to yield a precise and meaningful response.


Document copy editing

A service for any document to be published in English, written by a non-native English speaker. Editing is carried out by a qualified English linguist, hand-picked for their expertise in your business sector. Our linguists:

  • Thoroughly review spelling, grammar and punctuation and erroneous word use.
  • Offer alternative text better suited to an English audience
  • Improve sentences that sound awkward or unnatural
  • Offer alternative phrases to eliminate repetition and ambiguity
  • Create text which is more readable, compelling and impactful 

When your copy is returned to you, it will be indistinguishable from that written by native English speakers. Common copy editing jobs for us include academic papers, marketing materials, website and digital content and copy.  

Ready to translate

Give us a call on
+44 (0)1727 862722

Or tell us about
your translation

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Why choose The Language Factory?

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