Click on the link to access the terms relevant to you as a translator, agency or transcription provider.
(A) THE LANGUAGE FACTORY LIMITED is a company registered in England and Wales (company number 2727453) with its registered office at Suite 7, Phoenix House, 63 Campfield Road, St Albans, AL1 5FL, England (“THE LANGUAGE FACTORY”).
(B) THE LANGUAGE FACTORY provides linguistic services in an extensive range of languages to a variety of clients.
(C) You (the undersigned), hereby agree to provide certain translation and/proofreading services to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY on a project basis, and subject to the following terms and conditions.
Prior to you commencing the translation and/or proofreading services (the “Project”), THE LANGUAGE FACTORY will send you a purchase order in PDF format which will include the specifics of the Project you will work on. You will read the purchase order, acknowledge receipt of same and follow the deadline and instructions given therein. Any issues you may have with the deadline and/or instructions must be raised immediately, prior to commencement of the Project.
2.1. Before assigning a Project to you, we will agree mutually acceptable rates of payment with you and such rates shall be confirmed in a purchase order.
The fee for translation will be based on the number of source words in the file(s); and,
(b) Proof Reading/Editing Services
The fee for proof-reading/editing services will be based on an hourly rate unless otherwise agreed by the parties in advance in writing.
(c) Other services
The fee for other services not already mentioned will be agreed on an adhoc basis.
2.2. The agreed rates will be entered in your record on our electronic database and applied to any subsequent Projects you undertake for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, unless we amend your rates following a rate review. Any rate increase must be requested in writing and agreed in advance in writing by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
2.3. All invoices will be issued in pounds sterling, unless otherwise agreed in advance.
3.1. Upon completion of a Project, and/or in accordance with any timelines stipulated by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY in a purchase order, you shall send your invoice (quoting your JOB NUMBER) with the completed Project (or within 30 days thereafter). The invoice date should be the date on which the invoice is sent to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
3.2. Payment will be made against correct and undisputed invoice(s) within 30 days from the date of receipt by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY of your invoice(s), and no later than the end of the month following the month in which your invoice(s) is/are dated.
3.3. Payment will be made by bank transfer in the currency as stated by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY in the purchase order (which for the avoidance of doubt shall either be pounds sterling or euros). THE LANGUAGE FACTORY will pay UK bank charges for any bank transfers we make to you.
3.4. THE LANGUAGE FACTORY shall be entitled in its sole discretion to withhold from payment fees for any Project that is still to be delivered, is received late or fails to comply with the guidelines sent to you in terms of quality or cost.
On receipt of payment for each Project, you automatically transfer to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY in perpetuity all rights in the translation, including copyright and the right to amend, and you shall have no further claim on THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, or THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s client, in respect of that translation, unless otherwise agreed in advance in writing. THE LANGUAGE FACTORY reserves the right to make editorial changes at its discretion and you shall not be held liable for any such changes.
When you receive a Project from THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, you agree to make a separate daily back-up of your work in order to minimise delays in the event of loss of data due to e.g. hard disk failure or theft of your computer equipment. You shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that files you transmit to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY are virus-free.
6.1. In performing the Project for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, you shall abide by each and all of the following terms:
(a) you will, at all times, treat all information relating to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and its business, excluding information that is publicly available or already in your possession, in strictest confidence and you will, under no circumstances, disclose such information to any third party;
(b) you will keep confidential all information relating to design, manufacturing methods, programme markets or any other information of a technical, commercial or confidential nature or otherwise relating to the business activities of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s clients which may be divulged to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY on behalf of its clients or via the Project;
(c) you will take all reasonable security precautions to ensure that information relating to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s business and the Project remains confidential;
(d) you will use any material supplied to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY only for the purpose for which it is intended as defined by the Project instructions supplied by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY;
(e) you will not copy or remove from THE LANGUAGE FACTORY by any means whatsoever any property of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY or its clients including electronic data or software, without written authorisation;
(f) any information, including ideas, data, software, reports, business plans that you create in THE LANGUAGE FACTORY company time and/or using THE LANGUAGE FACTORY equipment shall remain the intellectual property of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and you shall have no further claim to or rights in such information;
(g) you will not make copies of any material accessible by you or supplied to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY unless authorised to do so by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY or for the purposes of security back-up as described above, and you will destroy or return original material, copies, derivations and any work in progress to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY immediately upon request. In the event you are asked to destroy or return any materials, and only if you are asked to do so, you will no longer be held liable for those materials;
(h) you will not contact or directly perform any services for any person, firm or company whose name or contact details shall have been made available to you at any time during your contact with or work for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY for a period of two years; and
(i) you will not disclose your co-operation with THE LANGUAGE FACTORY without prior written permission. This includes, but is not limited to, THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s inclusion in a list of clients whether online or offline
You will not sub-contract the performance of any of your duties or any part of Project to any third party without THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s prior written permission.
The use of machine translation, also called automated translation, either directly or via use of an API or plug-in, is not permitted.
9.1. You will refuse to undertake any Project from THE LANGUAGE FACTORY that you know to be beyond your competence, for example because of lack of specialised knowledge or linguistic skills, and will notify THE LANGUAGE FACTORY forthwith.
9.2. You will work to the guidelines of each Project as set out by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and provided to you in the purchase order.
9.3. You will at all times observe the highest professional standards in completing the Project as required by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
9.4. You will ensure that all work produced by you for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY is accurate, consistent and includes (where relevant) any standard idioms or other local customs and practice.
9.5. You will spell check electronic files before delivery using a reputable native spell checker dictionary.
9.6. You will maintain contact with THE LANGUAGE FACTORY throughout the period during your assignment on a Project and report any problems with supplied materials, any open issues and/or general concerns in a timely fashion to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
10.1. If any aspect of the Project fails to comply with the highest professional standards or receives negative feedback, THE LANGUAGE FACTORY may seek independent third party advice/consultation from a respected authority (i.e. an independent assessor).
10.2 If the initial negative feedback or sub-standard service is confirmed by an independent assessor, THE LANGUAGE FACTORY reserves the right to take appropriate action, including but not limited to deducting from your invoice any amount corresponding to the extra cost incurred when reviewing/revising/correcting your work.
11.1. You will respect and adhere to all deadlines given to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and you hereby agree and accept that time is of the essence in respect of such deadlines and failing to meet a deadline is a material breach of contract by you, and actionable by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
11.2. Our clients’ deadlines are typically non-negotiable and cannot be changed. In exceptional circumstances, a deadline extension may be granted by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s member(s) of staff coordinating the Project(s) commissioned with you. Any deadline extensions must be requested with as much notice as possible, and cannot be guaranteed. Should you have an emergency that renders it impossible to meet a deadline, you must inform THE LANGUAGE FACTORY immediately.
THE LANGUAGE FACTORY will provide such material, documents, and other items (subject to availability) as it deems necessary for you to complete the Project.
This agreement (which for the avoidance of doubt includes all THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s purchase orders issued in accordance with clause 1) constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this agreement and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations and discussions between the parties relating to it. [To the extent that any of the terms agreed and set out on THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s purchase order is inconsistent with any provision of this Agreement, the variable details set out in the purchase order shall prevail]
If any provision or part of any provision of this agreement is found by any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part-provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed not to form part of this agreement, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this agreement shall not be affected.
Nothing in this agreement is intended to, or shall be deemed to, establish any partnership or joint venture between the parties, constitute any party the agent of another party, nor authorise you to make or enter into any commitments for or on behalf of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and each party hereby irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
(A) THE LANGUAGE FACTORY LIMITED is a company registered in England and Wales (company number 2727453) with its registered office at Suite 7, Phoenix House, 63 Campfield Road, St Albans, AL1 5FL, England (“THE LANGUAGE FACTORY”).
(B) THE LANGUAGE FACTORY provides linguistic services in an extensive range of languages to a variety of clients.
(C) You (the undersigned), hereby agree to provide certain translation and/or proofreading services to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY on a project basis, and subject to the following terms and conditions.
Prior to you commencing the translation and/or proofreading services (the “Project”), THE LANGUAGE FACTORY will send you a purchase order in PDF format which will include the specifics of the Project you will work on. You will read the purchase order, acknowledge receipt of same and follow the deadline and instructions given therein. Any issues you may have with the deadline and/or instructions must be raised immediately, prior to commencement of the Project.
2.1. Before assigning a Project to you, we will agree mutually acceptable rates of payment with you and such rates shall be confirmed in a purchase order.
(a) Translation Services
The fee for translation will be based on the number of source words in the file(s); and,
(b) Proofreading/Editing Services
The fee for proofreading/editing services will be based on an hourly rate unless otherwise agreed by the parties in advance in writing.
(c) Other services
The fee for other services not already mentioned will be agreed on an adhoc basis.
2.2. The agreed rates will be entered in your record on our electronic database and applied to any subsequent Projects you undertake for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, unless we amend your rates following a rate review. Any rate increase must be requested in writing and agreed in advance in writing by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
2.3. All invoices will be issued in pounds sterling, unless otherwise agreed in advance.
3.1. Upon completion of a Project, and/or in accordance with any timelines stipulated by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY in a purchase order, you shall send your invoice (quoting your JOB NUMBER) with the completed Project (or within 30 days thereafter). The invoice date should be the date on which the invoice is sent to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
3.2. Payment will be made against correct and undisputed invoice(s) within 30 days from the date of receipt by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY of your invoice(s), and no later than the end of the month following the month in which your invoice(s) is/are dated.
3.3. Payment will be made by bank transfer in the currency as stated by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY in the purchase order (which for the avoidance of doubt shall either be pounds sterling or euros). THE LANGUAGE FACTORY will pay UK bank charges for any bank transfers we make to you.
3.4. THE LANGUAGE FACTORY shall be entitled in its sole discretion to withhold from payment fees for any Project that is still to be delivered, is received late or fails to comply with the guidelines sent to you in terms of quality or cost.
On receipt of payment for each Project, you automatically transfer to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY in perpetuity all rights in the translation, including copyright and the right to amend, and you shall have no further claim on THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, or THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s client, in respect of that translation, unless otherwise agreed in advance in writing. THE LANGUAGE FACTORY reserves the right to make editorial changes at its discretion and you shall not be held liable for any such changes.
When you receive a Project from THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, you agree to make a separate daily back-up of your work in order to minimise delays in the event of loss of data due to e.g. hard disk failure or theft of your computer equipment. You shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that files you transmit to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY are virus-free.
6.1. In performing the Project for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, you shall abide by each and all of the following terms:
(a) you will ensure that any sub-contractor you use, e.g. freelance translator, for a Project commissioned with you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY is bound by terms no less stringent than those in the present agreement;
(b) you will, at all times, treat all information relating to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and its business in strictest confidence and you will, under no circumstances, disclose such information to any third party;
(c) you will keep confidential all information relating to design, manufacturing methods, programme markets or any other information of a technical, commercial or confidential nature or otherwise relating to the business activities of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s clients which may be divulged to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY on behalf of its clients or via the Project;
(d) you will take all reasonable security precautions to ensure that information relating to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s business and the Project remains confidential;
(e) you will use any material supplied to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY only for the purpose for which it is intended as defined by the Project instructions supplied by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY;
(f) you will not copy or remove from THE LANGUAGE FACTORY by any means whatsoever any property of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY or its clients including electronic data or software, without written authorisation;
(g) any information, including ideas, data, software, reports, business plans that you create in THE LANGUAGE FACTORY company time and/or using THE LANGUAGE FACTORY equipment shall remain the intellectual property of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and you shall have no further claim to or rights in such information;
(h) you will not make copies of any material accessible by you or supplied to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY unless authorised to do so by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY or for the purposes of security back-up as described above, and you will destroy or return original material, copies, derivations and any work in progress to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY immediately upon request. In the event you are asked to destroy or return any materials, and only if you are asked to do so, you will no longer be held liable for those materials;
(i) you will not contact, perform any services for or deal with any person, firm or company whose name or contact details shall have been made available to you at any time during your contact with or work for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY; and
(k) you will not disclose your co-operation with THE LANGUAGE FACTORY without prior written permission. This includes, but is not limited to, THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s inclusion in a list of clients whether online or offline, publicly or privately, providing THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s name as a reference, listing THE LANGUAGE FACTORY as an employer on LinkedIn, etc.
(a) You will not sub-contract the performance of any of your duties or any part of Project to any third party without THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s prior written permission, such permission not to be unreasonably withheld.
(b) Any translator entrusted with a Project for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY must meet the minimum criteria outlined herewith:
i. Translate into their mother tongue
ii. Possess a degree or post-graduate diploma in translation
iii. Possess at least five years’ experience in translation
iv. Provide two professional references
(c) Any translator entrusted with an ISO 17100:2015-compliant Project for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY must meet one of the following criteria:
i. Possess a recognised graduate qualification in translation from an institution of higher education
ii. Possess a recognised graduate qualification in any other field from an institution of higher education plus two years of full-time experience in translating
iii. Possess five years of full-time professional experience in translating
iv. Reviewers must also have domain experience and experience of revision (sometimes called proofreading)
The use of machine translation, also called automated translation, either directly or via use of an API or plug-in, is not permitted.
9.1. You will refuse to undertake any Project from THE LANGUAGE FACTORY that you know to be beyond the competence of your suppliers, for example because of lack of specialised knowledge or linguistic skills, and will notify THE LANGUAGE FACTORY forthwith.
9.2. You will work to the guidelines of each Project as set out by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and provided to you in the purchase order.
9.3. You will ensure at all times that your sub-contractors observe the highest professional standards in completing the Project as required by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
9.4. You will ensure that all work produced by you or on your behalf for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY is accurate, consistent and includes (where relevant) any standard idioms or other local customs and practice.
9.5. You will require that sub-contractors spell check electronic files before delivery using a reputable native spell checker dictionary.
9.6. You will conduct all in-house quality checks as can reasonably be expected of a reputable translation agency.
9.7. You will maintain contact with THE LANGUAGE FACTORY throughout the period during your assignment on a Project and report any problems with supplied materials, any open issues and/or general concerns in a timely fashion to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
10.1. If any aspect of the Project fails to comply with the highest professional standards or receives negative feedback, you will promptly acknowledge and investigate the complaint, rectifying at no additional cost any genuine issues.
10.2. THE LANGUAGE FACTORY may seek independent third-party advice/consultation from a respected authority (i.e. an independent assessor).
10.3. If the initial negative feedback or sub-standard service is confirmed by an independent assessor, THE LANGUAGE FACTORY reserves the right to take appropriate action, including but not limited to deducting from your invoice any amount corresponding to the extra cost incurred when reviewing/revising/correcting your work.
11.1. You will respect and adhere to all deadlines given to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and you hereby agree and accept that time is of the essence in respect of such deadlines and failing to meet a deadline is a material breach of contract by you, and actionable by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
11.2. Our clients’ deadlines are typically non-negotiable and cannot be changed. In exceptional circumstances, a deadline extension may be granted by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s member(s) of staff coordinating the Project(s) commissioned with you. Any deadline extensions must be requested with as much notice as possible, and cannot be guaranteed. Should you have an emergency that renders it impossible to meet a deadline, you must inform THE LANGUAGE FACTORY immediately.
THE LANGUAGE FACTORY will provide such material, documents, and other items (subject to availability) as it deems necessary for you to complete the Project.
This agreement (which for the avoidance of doubt includes all THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s purchase orders issued in accordance with clause 1) constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this agreement and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations and discussions between the parties relating to it. [To the extent that any of the terms agreed and set out on THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s purchase order is inconsistent with any provision of this Agreement, the variable details set out in the purchase order shall prevail]
If any provision or part of any provision of this agreement is found by any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part-provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed not to form part of this agreement, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this agreement shall not be affected.
Nothing in this agreement is intended to, or shall be deemed to, establish any partnership or joint venture between the parties, constitute any party the agent of another party, nor authorise you to make or enter into any commitments for or on behalf of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and each party hereby irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
(A) THE LANGUAGE FACTORY LIMITED is a company registered in England and Wales (company number 2727453) with its registered office at Suite 7, Phoenix House, 63 Campfield Road, St Albans, AL1 5FL, England (“THE LANGUAGE FACTORY”).
(B) THE LANGUAGE FACTORY provides linguistic services in an extensive range of languages to a variety of clients.
(C) You (the undersigned), hereby agree to provide certain linguistic services to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY on a project basis, and subject to the following terms and conditions.
Prior to you commencing the transcription services (the “Project”), THE LANGUAGE FACTORY will send you a purchase order in PDF format which will include the specifics of the Project you will work on. You will read the purchase order, acknowledge receipt of same and follow the deadline and instructions given therein. Any issues you may have with the deadline and/or instructions must be raised immediately, prior to commencement of the Project.
2.1. Before assigning a Project to you, we will agree mutually acceptable rates of payment with you and such rates shall be confirmed in a purchase order.
(a) Transcription Services
The fee for transcription will be based on the number of audio minutes in the audio file(s); and,
(b) Proof Reading/Editing Services
The fee for proof-reading/editing services will be based on an hourly rate unless otherwise agreed by the parties in advance in writing.
(c) Other services
The fee for other services not already mentioned will be agreed on an adhoc basis.
2.2. The agreed rates will be entered in your record on our electronic database and applied to any subsequent Projects you undertake for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, unless we amend your rates following a rate review. Any rate increase must be requested in writing and agreed in advance in writing by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
2.3. All invoices will be issued in pounds sterling, unless otherwise agreed in advance.
3.1. Upon completion of a Project, and/or in accordance with any timelines stipulated by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY in a purchase order, you shall send your invoice (quoting your JOB NUMBER) with the completed Project (or within 30 days thereafter). The invoice date should be the date on which the invoice is sent to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY. .
3.2. Payment will be made against correct and undisputed invoice(s) within 30 days from the date of receipt by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY of your invoice(s), and no later than the end of the month following the month in which your invoice(s) is/are dated.
3.3. Payment will be made by bank transfer in the currency as stated by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY in the purchase order (which for the avoidance of doubt shall either be pounds sterling or euros). THE LANGUAGE FACTORY will pay UK bank charges for any bank transfers we make to you.
3.4. THE LANGUAGE FACTORY shall be entitled in its sole discretion to withhold from payment fees for any Project that is still to be delivered, is received late or fails to comply with the guidelines sent to you in terms of quality or cost.
On receipt of payment for each Project, you automatically transfer to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY in perpetuity all rights in the transcription, including copyright and the right to amend, and you shall have no further claim on THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, or THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s client, in respect of that transcription, unless otherwise agreed in advance in writing. THE LANGUAGE FACTORY reserves the right to make editorial changes at its discretion and you shall not be held liable for any such changes.
When you receive a Project from THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, you agree to make a separate daily back-up of your work in order to minimise delays in the event of loss of data due to e.g. hard disk failure or theft of your computer equipment. You shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that files you transmit to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY are virus-free.
6.1. In performing the Project for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY, you shall abide by each and all of the following terms:
(a) you will, at all times, treat all information relating to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and its business in strictest confidence and you will, under no circumstances, disclose such information to any third party;
(b) you will keep confidential all information relating to design, manufacturing methods, programme markets or any other information of a technical, commercial or confidential nature or otherwise relating to the business activities of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s clients which may be divulged to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY on behalf of its clients or via the Project;
(c) you will take all reasonable security precautions to ensure that information relating to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s business and the Project remains confidential;
(d) you will use any material supplied to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY only for the purpose for which it is intended as defined by the Project instructions supplied by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY;
(e) you will not copy or remove from THE LANGUAGE FACTORY by any means whatsoever any property of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY or its clients including electronic data or software, without written authorisation;
(f) any information, including ideas, data, software, reports, business plans that you create in THE LANGUAGE FACTORY company time and/or using THE LANGUAGE FACTORY equipment shall remain the intellectual property of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and you shall have no further claim to or rights in such information;
(g) you will not make copies of any material accessible by you or supplied to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY unless authorised to do so by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY or for the purposes of security back-up as described above, and you will destroy or return original material, copies, derivations and any work in progress to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY immediately upon request. In the event you are asked to destroy or return any materials, and only if you are asked to do so, you will no longer be held liable for those materials;
(h) you will not contact, perform any services for or deal with any person, firm or company whose name or contact details shall have been made available to you at any time during your contact with or work for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY; and
(i) you will not disclose your co-operation with THE LANGUAGE FACTORY without prior written permission. This includes, but is not limited to, THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s inclusion in a list of clients whether online or offline, publicly or privately, providing THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s name as a reference, etc.
You will not sub-contract the performance of any of your duties or any part of Project to any third party without THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s prior written permission.
8.1. You will refuse to undertake any Project from THE LANGUAGE FACTORY that you know to be beyond your competence, for example because of lack of specialised knowledge or linguistic skills, and will notify THE LANGUAGE FACTORY forthwith.
8.2. You will work to the guidelines of each Project as set out by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and provided to you in the purchase order.
8.3. You will at all times observe the highest professional standards in completing the Project as required by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
8.4. You will ensure that all work produced by you for THE LANGUAGE FACTORY is accurate, consistent and includes (where relevant) any standard idioms or other local customs and practice.
8.5. You will spell check electronic files before delivery using a reputable native spell checker dictionary.
8.6. You will maintain contact with THE LANGUAGE FACTORY throughout the period during your assignment on a Project and report any problems with supplied materials, any open issues and/or general concerns in a timely fashion to THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
9.1. If any aspect of the Project fails to comply with the highest professional standards or receives negative feedback, THE LANGUAGE FACTORY may seek independent third party advice/consultation from a respected authority (i.e. an independent assessor).
9.2. If the initial negative feedback or sub-standard service is confirmed by an independent assessor, THE LANGUAGE FACTORY reserves the right to take appropriate action, including but not limited to deducting from your invoice any amount corresponding to the extra cost incurred when reviewing/revising/correcting your work.
10.1. You will respect and adhere to all deadlines given to you by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY and you hereby agree and accept that time is of the essence in respect of such deadlines and failing to meet a deadline is a material breach of contract by you, and actionable by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
10.2. Our clients’ deadlines are typically non-negotiable and cannot be changed. In exceptional circumstances, a deadline extension may be granted by THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s member(s) of staff coordinating the Project(s) commissioned with you. Any deadline extensions must be requested with as much notice as possible, and cannot be guaranteed. Should you have an emergency that renders it impossible to meet a deadline, you must inform THE LANGUAGE FACTORY immediately.
THE LANGUAGE FACTORY will provide such material, documents, and other items (subject to availability) as it deems necessary for you to complete the Project.
This agreement (which for the avoidance of doubt includes all THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s purchase orders issued in accordance with clause 1) constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this agreement and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations and discussions between the parties relating to it. [To the extent that any of the terms agreed and set out on THE LANGUAGE FACTORY’s purchase order is inconsistent with any provision of this Agreement, the variable details set out in the purchase order shall prevail]
If any provision or part of any provision of this agreement is found by any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part-provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed not to form part of this agreement, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this agreement shall not be affected.
Nothing in this agreement is intended to, or shall be deemed to, establish any partnership or joint venture between the parties, constitute any party the agent of another party, nor authorise you to make or enter into any commitments for or on behalf of THE LANGUAGE FACTORY.
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and each party hereby irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
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